The Sénégalese Village
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”
– Nelson Mandela
The Senegalese Village
Meet Our Ambassadors
“Africa is the future.” —Youssou N’Dour

Mara Diakhate
CEO & Founder
Mara Diakhate is a world traveler, entrepreneur, and pan-Africanist, who serves as the CEO and Founder of Da’African Village. His mission is to share the rich culture and traditions of West Africa with the rest of the world through education and cultural programming. He is also the author of “Talking Wolof with Da’African Village” a comprehensive book that helps those traveling abroad communicate more effectively with the people of West Africa.

Ndiaye Gormack
Cultural Ambassador
Professional Experience:
Professional Skills: Affluent in French, English & Wolof
- Sales Management
- Financial Director
- Branch Manager with BIMEX CO. LTD (8 years)
Professional Skills: Affluent in French, English & Wolof

Ndoye Aminata Soda
Cultural Ambassador
Professional Experience:
As an Agent of the Republic of Sénégal Aminata Soda Ndoye has served in the following ways:
- Welfare Assistant
- Principal at the Cripple School
- Monitor for the Ministry of Youth Affairs

Ndeye Aissatou Diack
Cultural Ambassador
Professional Experience:
Professional Skills: Affluent in French, English & Wolof
- English Teacher at Oggo Diop, Charles De Gaulle, Isaac Forster and the British-Senegalese Institute
- Freelance Translatorr
Professional Skills: Affluent in French, English & Wolof

Moustapha Samb
Cultural Ambassador
Professional Experience:
- Physical Ed teacher at Alpha Molo Balde High School and MBackè High School
- Management fitness body trainer specializing in Tae Bo and Yoga

Momar Gueye
Cultural Ambassador
Professional Experience: Project management with and/or in…
- Development Cluster Primature
- Local economic development (ONUDI)
- Landmine Handicap International
- Natural foods (GIZ SIJOB)
- Sustainable development & decentralization
- Financial intermediation